Finals | Game | date | time | team 1 | score | team 2 | 1T | 2T | 3T | Final | Sat 24.08.91 | 20:30 | Yugoslavia | 11-10 | Spain | 3-1 | 5-5 | 7-7 | 3-4 | Sat 24.08.91 | 19:00 | Soviet Union | 11-10 | Italy | 3-2 | 5-6 | 6-8 | 5-6 | Fri 23.08.91 | | Hungary | 10-7 | Greece | | HUN: Benedek 5, Peter 2, Vincze 2, Doczi 1 --- GRE: Mavrotas 3, Papanastasiu 2, Venetopoulos 1, Pateros 1. Referees: Troickiy, Soviet Union and Petronili, Italy. | 7-8 | Fri 23.08.91 | | West Germany | 14-8 | Romania | 3-2 | 9-2 | 13-5 | 9-10 | Fri 23.08.91 | | Netherlands | 18-14 | Czechoslovakia | 4-4 | 9-7 | 16-9 | NED: Jansen 4, rosner 3, Havekotte 3, Van der Leden 2, Wagenaar 2, Schrrenburg 1, Nieuwnburg 1, Issard 1, Brebde 1 --- TCH: Polacik 6, Vidumanski 2, Bundschun 1, Mikus 1, Hornak 1, Eschwig 1. Referees: Cillero, Spain and Clemenson, France. | 11-12 | Fri 23.08.91 | | France | 13-12 | Poland | 2-2 | 7-5 | 11-10 | 1/2 | Fri 23.08.91 | | Yugoslavia | 11-9 | Italy | 3-1 | 6-2 | 8-5 | 1/2 | Fri 23.08.91 | | Spain | 13-8 | Soviet Union | 4-0 | 8-0 | 11-2 |
| Final Ranking | Pts | won | drw | lst | gf | ga | g+- | m | 1. | Yugoslavia | 15 | 7 | 1 | 0 | 102: | 65 | +47 | 8 | 2. | Spain | 13 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 135: | 77 | +58 | 8 | 3. | Soviet Union | 11 | 5 | 1 | 2 | 101: | 81 | +20 | 8 | 4. | Italy | 12 | 6 | 0 | 2 | 103: | 68 | +35 8 | eliminated in Second Groups Round. | 5. | Hungary | 10 | 5 | 0 | 2 | 96: | 67 | +29 | 7 | 6. | Greece | 8 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 62: | 75 | -13 | 7 | 7. | West Germany | 7 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 83: | 72 | +11 | 7 | 8. | Romania | 7 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 92: | 76 | +16 | 7 | 9. | Netherlands | 5 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 84: | 99 | -15 | 7 | 10. | Czechoslovakia | 4 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 82: | 103 | -21 | 7 | 11. | France | 4 | 2 | 0 | 5 | 64: | 80 | -16 | 7 | 12. | Poland | 3 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 70: | 89 | -19 | 7 | Group 13-16 | 13. | Bulgaria | 7 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 70: | 62 | +8 | 6 | 14. | Turkey | 3 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 50: | 88 | -38 | 6 | 15. | Great Britain | 2 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 48: | 85 | -37 | 6 | 16. | Denmark | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 50: | 105 | -55 | 6 |
Qualification | Greece - Host | First 9 from Europe Men 1989. | Bulgaria, Turkey, Poland, France, Denmark and Great Britain from Men Q 1991. |
| First 2 to Semi-Finals. Rest to Classification Games. |
Group C | p | w | d | l | gf | ga | 11. Italy | 10 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 62: | 42 | 2. Soviet Union | 7 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 62: | 53 | 3. Hungary | 6 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 64: | 53 | 4. Romania | 5 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 58: | 53 | 5. Czechoslovakia | 2 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 55: | 75 | 6. France | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 39: | 64 |
Team | Ital | Sovi | Hung | Roma | Czec | Fran | Italy | ---- | 12:10 | 10:8 | 10:9 | 17:9 | 13:6 | Soviet Union | | ---- | 13:11 | 11:11 | 14:10 | 14:9 | Hungary | | | ---- | 13:9 | 16:12 | 16:9 | Romania | | | | ---- | 19:13 | 10:6 | Czechoslovakia | | | | | ---- | 11:9 | France | | | | | | ---- |
date | team 1 _____________ | score | team 2 _____________ | 1T | 2T | 3T | Tue 20.08.91 | Romania | 19-13 | Czechoslovakia | 5-1 | 8-5 | 13-8 | Tue 20.08.91 | Italy | 13-6 | France | 2-1 | 5-2 | 7-4 | Tue 20.08.91 | Soviet Union | 13-11 | Hungary | 2-2 | 6-3 | 11-8 | URS: Marcoks 4, D. Apanasienko 3, Kolotov 2, Belofastov 1, Naumov 1, Vdovin 1 --- HUN: Benedek 4, Doczi 3, Peter 2, I. Toth 1, L. Toth 1. Referees: Polmann, Germany and Van Dorp, Netherlands. | Wed 21.08.91 | Italy | 12-10 | Soviet Union | 2-3 | 6-5 | 11-9 | Wed 21.08.91 | Czechoslovakia | 11-9 | France | 3-2 | 6-6 | 9-9 | Wed 21.08.91 | Hungary | 13-9 | Romania | 2-4 | 6-6 | 11-7 | HUN: Vincze 4, Benedek 2, I. Toth 2, Petovary 2, Peter 1, Doczi 1, Schmiedt 1 --- ROU: Hagiu 4, Angelescu 2, Geambasu 1, Georgescu 1, Olaru 1. Referees: Van de Vreken, Belgium and Bras, Netherlands. | Thu 22.08.91 | Italy | 10-9 | Romania | 3-2 | 7-3 | 8-4 | Thu 22.08.91 | Hungary | 16-9 | France | 3-0 | 5-1 | 10-3 | HUN: Petovary 4, I. Peter 3, Benedek 3, F. Toth 2, Nitsovits 1, I. Toth 2, L. Toth 1 --- FRA: Charlot 2, Grimaldi 1, Dicher 1, Viol 1, Lousteneau 1, Alomondo 1. Referees: Cillerio, Spain and Hasekioglu, Greece. | Thu 22.08.91 | Soviet Union | 14-10 | Czechoslovakia | |
Group D | p | w | d | l | gf | ga | 1. Spain | 9 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 84: | 52 | 2. Yugoslavia | 9 | 4 | 1 | 0 | 69: | 39 | 3. Greece | 6 | 3 | 0 | 2 | 47: | 60 | 4. West Germany | 3 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 50: | 56 | 5. Netherlands | 2 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 56: | 75 | 6. Poland | 1 | 0 | 1 | 4 | 46: | 70 |
Team | Spai | Yugo | Gree | WeGe | Neth | Pola | Spain | ---- | 14:14 | 18:7 | 11:10 | 19:12 | 22:9 | Yugoslavia | | ---- | 16:7 | 13:6 | 15:6 | 11:6 | Greece | | | ---- | 8:7 | 13:10 | 12:9 | West Germany | | | | ---- | 15:15 | 12:9 | Netherlands | | | | | ---- | 13:13 | Poland | | | | | | ---- |
date | team 1 _____________ | score | team 2 _____________ | 1T | 2T | 3T | Tue 20.08.91 | Yugoslavia | 13-6 | West Germany | 5-1 | 9-1 | 12-3 | Tue 20.08.91 | Greece | 12-9 | Poland | 4-0 | 7-2 | 9-4 | Tue 20.08.91 | Spain | 19-12 | Netherlands | 5-5 | 9-7 | 16-10 | ESP: Estiarte 7, Gonzalez 2, Pico 2, Sans 2, Gomez 2, Oca 2, Garcia 2 --- NED: Scherrenburg 5, De Vries 3, Wagenaar 2, Van der Leden 1, Issard 1. Referees: Toygarli, Turkey and Papazian, France. | Wed 21.08.91 | Yugoslavia | 16-7 | Greece | 3-1 | 5-2 | 11-6 | Wed 21.08.91 | West Germany | 15-15 | Netherlands | 2-5 | 8-8 | 13-11 | FRG: Reimann 5, Schuetze 2, Otto 2, Sterzik 1, Dressel 1, Tomanek 1, ? 3 --- NED: Scherrenburg 7, Niewenburg 2, Havekotte 2, Van der Leden 1, De Vries 1, Issard 1, Jansen 1. Referees: Afanasiev, Soviet Union and Troitski, Soviet Union. | Wed 21.08.91 | Spain | 22-9 | Poland | 4-1 | 9-5 | 14-7 | Thu 22.08.91 | West Germany | 12-9 | Poland | 3-2 | 6-4 | 11-7 | Thu 22.08.91 | Greece | 13-10 | Netherlands | 3-2 | 8-5 | 11-? | Thu 22.08.91 | Spain | 14-14 | Yugoslavia | 3-4 | 8-8 | 12-10 |
Group 13-16 | p | w | d | l | gf | ga | 13.Bulgaria | 6 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 47: | 29 | 14.Turkey | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 29: | 31 | 15.Great Britain | 2 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 29: | 30 | 16.Denmark | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 32: | 47 |
Team | Bulg | Turk | Grea | De | Bulgaria | --- | 13:9 | 13:7 | 21:13 | Turkey | | --- | 9:7 | 11:11 | Great Britain | | | --- | 15:8 | Denmark | | | | --- |
date | team 1 _____________ | score | team 2 _____________ | 1T | 2T | 3T | Tue 20.08.91 | Great Britain | 15-8 | Denmark | 3-0 | 8-2 | 11-5 | Tue 20.08.91 | Bulgaria | 13-9 | Turkey | 2-3 | 5-6 | 8-8 | Wed 21.08.91 | Turkey | 11-11 | Denmark | 1-4 | 6-7 | 8-10 | Wed 21.08.91 | Bulgaria | 13-7 | Great Britain | 0-1 | 3-5 | 8-6 | Thu 22.08.91 | Turkey | 9-7 | Great Britain | 3-2 | 6-4 | 7-5 | Thu 22.08.91 | Bulgaria | 21-13 | Denmark | 4-1 | 10-2 | 12-6 |
| First 3 to Second Groups Round. Rest to Group 13-16. Scores are transferred. |
Team | Roma | Sovi | Fran | Denm | Romania | ---- | 11:11 | 10:6 | 26:9 | Soviet Union | | ---- | 14:9 | 20:5 | France | | | ---- | 12:4 | Denmark | | | | ---- |
date | team 1 _____________ | score | team 2 _____________ | 1T | 2T | 3T | Mon 17.08.91 | Romania | 10-6 | France | 3-2 | 7-5 | 10-5 | Mon 17.08.91 | Soviet Union | 20-5 | Denmark | 5-2 | 9-3 | 15-3 | transferred to Group C | Sun 18.08.91 | France | 12-4 | Denmark | 2-2 | 5-2 | 8-3 | Sun 18.08.91 | Romania | 11-11 | Soviet Union | 3-2 | 5-4 | 9-7 | transferred to Group C | Mon 19.08.91 | Romania | 26-9 | Denmark | 9-3 | 17-4 | 22-6 | Mon 19.08.91 | Soviet Union | 14-9 | France | 5-0 | 7-2 | 10-5 | transferred to Group C |
Team | Ital | Hung | Czec | Turk | Italy | ---- | 10:8 | 17:9 | 22:4 | Hungary | | ---- | 16:12 | 22:7 | Czechoslovakia | | | ---- | 13:10 | Turkey | | | | ---- |
date | team 1 _____________ | score | team 2 _____________ | 1T | 2T | 3T | Mon 17.08.91 | Italy | 10-8 | Hungary | 3-3 | 5-4 | 7-6 | transferred to Group C ITA: Bovo 2, Florillo 2, Ferretti 2, Silipo 2, Campagna 1, Pomilio 1 --- HUN: L. Toth 2, Meszaros 2, Doczi 2, Petovary 1, Benedek 1. Referees: Van Dorn, Netherlands and Indrelid, Norway. | Mon 17.08.91 | Czechoslovakia | 13-10 | Turkey | 2-3 | 6-6 | 10-10 | Sun 18.08.91 | Italy | 22-4 | Turkey | 6-0 | 13-2 | 16-3 | Sun 18.08.91 | Hungary | 16-12 | Czechoslovakia | 4-1 | 8-3 | 13-9 | transferred to Group C HUN: Vincze 4, Doczi 4, Benedek 3, Schmiedt 1, Petovary 1, I. Toth 1, Meszaros 1, L. Toth 1 --- TCH: Dinzik 4, Vidumansky 2, Polacsik 2, Borsig 2, Hornak 1, Eschwig 1. Referees: Radenjovic, Yugoslavia and Chielweski, Poland. | Mon 19.08.91 | Italy | 17-9 | Czechoslovakia | 2-4 | 7-5 | 12-7 | transferred to Group C | Mon 19.08.91 | Hungary | 22-7 | Turkey | 3-3 | 8-4 | 14-5 | HUN: Doczi 7, Benedek 4, Petovary 3, Vincze 2, Meszaros, Nitsovits 2, F. Toth 1, Peter 1 --- TUR: Algin 3, Kadioglu 2, Oralkan 1, Sakalir 1. Referees: Bras, Netherlands and Bathurst, Great Britain. |
Team | Yugo | Pola | Neth | Bulg | Yugoslavia | ---- | 11:6 | 15:6 | 11:7 | Poland | | ---- | 13:13 | 12:6 | Netherlands | | | ---- | 10:10 | Bulgaria | | | | ---- |
date | team 1 _____________ | score | team 2 _____________ | 1T | 2T | 3T | Mon 17.08.91 | Poland | 13-13 | Netherlands | 3-0 | 7-6 | 10-9 | transferred to Group D | Mon 17.08.91 | Yugoslavia | 11-7 | Bulgaria | 2-3 | 5-5 | 11-7 | Sun 18.08.91 | Yugoslavia | 15-6 | Netherlands | 3-3 | 6-3 | 10-4 | transferred to Group D | Sun 18.08.91 | Poland | 12-6 | Bulgaria | 2-0 | 5-3 | 9-6 | Mon 19.08.91 | Netherlands | 10-10 | Bulgaria | 2-3 | 4-4 | 8-7 | NED: De Vries 4, Havekotte 2, Scherrenburg 1, Rosner 1, Jansen 1, Brebde 1 --- BUL: Nanov 3, Milenov 2, Danovski 2, Iv. Pashaliev 1, Al. Pashaliev 1, Toshev. Referees: Afanasiev, Soviet Union and Nielsen, Denmark. | Mon 19.08.91 | Yugoslavia | 11-6 | Poland | 1-1 | 3-4 | 7-5 | transferred to Group D |
Team | Spai | Gree | WeGe | Grea | Spain | ---- | 18:7 | 11:10 | 28:6 | Greece | | ---- | 8:7 | 8:5 | West Germany | | | ---- | 19:8 | Great Britain | | | | ---- |
date | team 1 _____________ | score | team 2 _____________ | 1T | 2T | 3T | Mon 17.08.91 | Spain | 11-10 | West Germany | 4-2 | 6-3 | 8-5 | transferred to Group D | Mon 17.08.91 | Greece | 8-5 | Great Britain | 1-2 | 5-2 | 5-5 | Sun 18.08.91 | Greece | 8-7 | West Germany | 3-1 | 5-3 | 7-7 | Sun 18.08.91 | Spain | 28-6 | Great Britain | 8-1 | 14-3 | 23-3 | transferred to Group D | Mon 19.08.91 | Spain | 18-7 | Greece | 5-4 | 7-5 | 12-5 | transferred to Group D | Mon 19.08.91 | West Germany | 19-8 | Great Britain | 6-3 | 10-4 | 15-5 |
1. Yugoslavia | Aleksandar Sostar | Dusan Popovic | Vaso Subotic | Pedrag Zimonjic | Igor Milanovic | Victor Jelenic | Mirko Vicevic | Vitomir Padovan | Veljko Uskokovic | Igor Gocanin | Dusan Cirkovic | Goran Radienovic | Nikola Ribic | Zeljko Vicevic | Milan Tadic |
2. Spain | Estiarte | Gonzalez | Pico | Sans | Gomez | Oca | Garcia |
3. Soviet Union | Sigir | Belofastov | Kolotov | Naumov | D. Apanasienko | N. Apanasienko | Markocs | Vdovin | Korlov | Ivlev | Kovalenko | Karabutov | Coach: Boris Popov |
4. Italy | Francesco Attolico | Nando Gandolfi | Alessandro Bovo | Pino Porzio | Sandro Campagna | Paolo Caldarella | Mario Fiorillo | Franco Porzio | Amedeo Pomilio | Cristiano Ciocchetti | Massimiliano Ferretti | Carlo Silipo | Mario Marsili | Gianni Averaimo | Coach: Ratko Rudic |
5. Hungary | Nemes | Schmiedt | Petovary | Benedek | Sprok | Vincze | I. Toth | Peter | L. Tith | Meszaros | Doczi | Csizmandia | F. Toth | Nitsovits | Coach: dr. Janos Konrad |
6. Greece | Patras | Samarsidis | Giannopoulos | Papanastasiu | Venetopoulos | Seeletopulis | Paleros | Mavrotas | Lorandos | Coach: Ante Nakic |
7. West Germany | Reimann | Schuetze | Otto | Sterzik | Dressel | Tomanek |
8. Romania | Diaconu | Geambasu | Hagiu | Georgescu | Costras | Angelescu | Balanov | Stemate | Ghita | Bonca | Olaru | Coach: Cornel Rusu |
9. Netherlands | Scherrenburg | De Vries | Wagenaar | Van der Leden | Issard |
10.Czechoslovakia | Radic | Vidumanski | Bundschuh | Mikus | Polacsik | Borsig | Hornak | Dinzik | Eschwig | Richter | Vessely | Coach: Laszlo Bottlik |
11.France | Holivon | Grimaldi | Ducher | Tillie | Viol | Charlot | Terrier | Lousteaneau | Alimondo | Madelenat | Gauthier | Adrien | Coach: Victor Nataf |
13.Bulgaria | Nanov | Milenov | Danovski | Iv. Pashaliev | Al. Pashaliev | Toshev |
14.Turkey | Kocturk | Ebren | Oralkan | Delemer | Sakalir | Seituz | Kabaca | Algin | A. Olcaytu | Kadioglu | K. Olcaytu | Coach: Airaz Talay |