Rk | Final Ranking | pts | win | drw | lst | gf | ga | g+- | 1. | Durban City | 41 | 18 | 5 | 5 | 59: | 28 | +31 | 2. | Cape Town City | 38 | 14 | 10 | 4 | 61: | 34 | +27 | 3. | Maritzburg | 35 | 14 | 7 | 7 | 62: | 42 | +20 | 4. | Germiston Callies | 34 | 14 | 6 | 8 | 49: | 34 | +15 | 5. | Durban Spurs United | 32 | 13 | 6 | 9 | 59: | 38 | +21 | 6. | Rangers | 30 | 12 | 6 | 10 | 45: | 51 | -6 | 7. | Highlands Park | 29 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 48: | 39 | +9 | 8. | Powerlines | 29 | 11 | 7 | 10 | 56: | 46 | +10 | 9. | East London United | 25 | 9 | 7 | 12 | 50: | 52 | -2 | 10. | Southern Suburbs | 25 | 10 | 5 | 13 | 54: | 69 | -15 | 11. | Arcadia Shepherds | 24 | 11 | 2 | 15 | 47: | 66 | -19 | 12. | Hellenic | 22 | 8 | 6 | 14 | 30: | 47 | -17 | 13. | Port Elizabeth City | 21 | 8 | 5 | 15 | 31: | 53 | -22 | 14. | Bloemfontein City | 20 | 8 | 4 | 16 | 31: | 56 | -25 | 15. | Berea Park | 15 | 5 | 5 | 18 | 32: | 59 | -27 |
_ 1970 Castle Cup: Cape Town City 3-1 Highlands Park | UTC Bowl: Durban City 4-2 Southern Suburbs after 2 draws | Coca-Cola Shield: Southern Suburbs 2-0, 1-0 Cape Town City | Champion of Champions: Highlands Park | No team was relegated after merger of Highlands Park and Powerlines to Highlands Power. | Jewish Guild was promoted from 1970 NFL II. |
Team | Arca | Bloe | Bere | Cape | DuCi | DuSU | EaLo | Germ | Hell | HigP | Mari | PoRl | Powe | Rang | SoSu | Arcadia Shepherds | --- | 0:2 | 2:0 | 2:2 | 2:6 | 2:0 | 4:2 | 1:2 | 3:1 | 2:5 | 2:0 | 5:2 | 2:1 | 1:2 | 3:3 | Bloemfontein City | 2:4 | --- | 0:2 | 0:5 | 1:0 | 0:2 | 2:1 | 1:1 | 3:2 | 0:0 | 1:2 | 1:2 | 3:1 | 0:2 | 5:4 | Berea Park | 1:2 | 1:0 | --- | 2:3 | 2:0 | 0:6 | 0:2 | 3:4 | 3:2 | 0:0 | 0:5 | 1:3 | 2:4 | 6:1 | 1:2 | Cape Town City | 6:1 | 4:1 | 2:1 | --- | 3:2 | 2:2 | 1:1 | 4:0 | 0:0 | 1:1 | 4:0 | 2:2 | 3:2 | 2:1 | 1:0 | Durban City | 3:1 | 3:0 | 2:1 | 2:2 | --- | 3:0 | 2:0 | 4:3 | 3:0 | 1:1 | 2:2 | 2:1 | 1:1 | 6:0 | 5:1 | Durban Spurs United | 1:0 | 2:2 | 1:1 | 0:2 | 1:3 | --- | 3:1 | 3:2 | 1:2 | 3:1 | 1:1 | 6:0 | 3:3 | 1:2 | 2:0 | East London United | 4:3 | 1:1 | 2:0 | 2:1 | 0:1 | 1:3 | --- | 4:0 | 4:0 | 1:1 | 1:1 | 6:1 | 0:0 | 3:0 | 2:2 | Germiston Callies | 3:0 | 3:0 | 1:1 | 1:1 | 2:0 | 2:0 | 7:0 | --- | 1:2 | 0:2 | 0:0 | 3:2 | 1:0 | 1:2 | 3:0 | Hellenic | 0:1 | 0:1 | 1:0 | 1:1 | 0:0 | 0:2 | 1:0 | 1:2 | --- | 0:2 | 2:0 | 2:2 | 1:2 | 3:3 | 4:1 | Highlands Park | 3:0 | 3:1 | 1:1 | 0:1 | 0:1 | 0:4 | 3:2 | 1:1 | 5:1 | --- | 1:1 | 3:1 | 3:1 | 2:2 | 2:3 | Maritzburg | 5:0 | 2:1 | 2:1 | 2:1 | 0:1 | 2:0 | 5:2 | 0:1 | 5:1 | 2:4 | --- | 3:0 | 2:2 | 2:2 | 7:5 | Port Elizabeth City | 0:1 | 3:0 | 2:1 | 0:3 | 0:1 | 0:4 | 1:1 | 0:2 | 0:0 | 1:0 | 0:2 | --- | 2:0 | 1:0 | 4:0 | Powerlines | 4:1 | 1:2 | 5:0 | 2:2 | 0:1 | 2:1 | 6:2 | 1:0 | 2:0 | 3:2 | 3:4 | 3:1 | --- | 2:2 | 1:1 | Rangers | 3:1 | 3:0 | 1:1 | 2:1 | 0:1 | 1:4 | 0:3 | 1:1 | 0:1 | 3:1 | 3:0 | 1:0 | 3:1 | --- | 2:4 | Southern Suburbs | 3:1 | 2:1 | 3:0 | 4:1 | 4:3 | 3:3 | 3:2 | 0:2 | 0:2 | 2:1 | 1:5 | 0:0 | 1:3 | 2:3 | --- | Team | Arca | Bloe | Bere | Cape | Durb | Durb | East | Germ | Hell | High | Mari | Port | Powe | Rang | Sout |
date | team 1 _________ | score | team 2 _________ | HT | Fri 27.02.70 | Highlands Park | 3-2 | East London United | 2-2 | Kalk 2, Hume --- Grant, B. Williams | Highlands Park: Hogan, Brown, Kaplan, Gough, Ungaretti, Lumsden, Hume, Kalk, Backos, Hugo, McIntosh, Nash (sub). | East London United: Hough, Hamilton, Rutherford, Upton, G. Williams, Barker, Grant Higgins, B. Williams, Luke, Gilpin. | Fri 27.02.70 | Bloemfontein City | 3-2 | Hellenic | 2-0 | Fry 2, Knutsen --- Goupd 2 | Sat 28.02.70 | Powerlines | 5-0 | Berea Park | 2-0 | da Silva 4, OG |
date | team 1 _________ | score | team 2 _________ | HT | Wed 04.03.70 | Southern Suburbs | 0-0 | Port Elizabeth City | 0-0 | Southern Suburbs: Santos, Joubert, Poole, Jacobitz, Beukes, Wall, Mendes, Shuttleworth, Maltby, Phythian, Barritt. | SPorth Elizabeth: Shaw, Prentice, Snowden, Houston, Cummings, Hepplewhite, Winspear, McCleland, Fuller, Milen, Cooper. | Fri 06.03.70 | Durban Spurs | 3-1 | Highlands Park | 0-0 | Durban Spurs: Calder Poezyn, R. Kitchin, Lapot, Davidson, Hucker, Smith, Crisp, Shaw, McKinney, Byrne. T. Kitchin (sub). | Highlands Park: Hogan, Brown, Kaplan, Gough, Ungaretti, Lumsden, Hume, Backos, Hugo, Kalk, McIntosh, Koor (sub). | Fri 06.03.70 | Germiston Callies | 1-1 | Cape Town City | | Campbell - France | Fri 06.03.70 | Powerlines | 3-1 | Port Elizabeth City | 2-1 | Albietta, Pereira, Uriol --- Fuller | Fri 06.03.70 | Hellenic | 2-0 | Maritzburg | 1-0 | Gould, Scherr | Fri 06.03.70 | East London United | 4-3 | Arcadia Shepherds | 4-0 | B. Williams, Pearson, Barker --- R. Matthews, Amato, Dresner | Sat 07.03.70 | Rangers | 3-0 | Bloemfontein City | 2-0 | Granger 2, Soekoe | Sat 07.03.70 | Berea Park | 2-0 | Durban City | 0-0 | 1-0 Hochfelner 2T, 2-0 Hochfelner 2T | Berea Park: Gambareri, Waldon, Grassini, Johnson, McGuire, Santamaria, McMillan, Sargent, Hochfelner, Cloete, Howe, Donaires (sub). | Durban City: Macedo, Cowden, Forsyth, Louch, Maullin, Cooke, Fascione, Willey, Scott, Byrne, Mann, Farrell (sub). |
date | team 1 _________ | score | team 2 _________ | HT | Wed 11.03.70 | Maritzburg | 2-2 | Rangers | 1-0 | Durrant, Exall --- Mason, Knox | Fri 13.03.70 | Cape Town City | 2-1 | Berea Park | 0-0 | Kerr, France --- Howe | Cape Town City: Lovell, Brimacombe, Allen, Kay, Cameron, Finch, Claxton, France, Kerr, Gie, Mulhall, Barnes (sub). | Berea Park: Gambareri, Waldon, Grassini, Johnsson, McGurie, Santamaria, Cloete, McMillan, Hockefelner, Sargent, Howe. | Fri 13.03.70 | Durban City | 2-0 | East London United | 0-0 | 1-0 Scott 2T, 2-0 Scott 2T | Durban City: Macedo, Cooke, Maullin, Louch, Forsyth, De Leur, Fascione, Willey, Byrne, Scott, Mann. | East London United: Connachan, Hamilton, Rutherford, Upton, B. Williams, Barker, Grant, Higgins, G. Williams, Luke, Pearson, Gilpin (sub). |
date | team 1 _________ | score | team 2 _________ | HT | | Highlands Park | 7-1 | Germiston Callies | | Thu 26.03.70 | Port Elizabeth City | 0-1 | Arcadia Shepherds | |
date | team 1 _________ | score | team 2 _________ | HT | Fri 17.04.70 | Cape Town City | 0-0 | Hellenic | 0-0 | Hartleyvale att: 27,000 | Sun 18.04.70 | Powerlines | 6-2 | East London United | 3-1 |   Pereira 3,  TFernandez 2, da Silva --- B. Williams , Higgins | Powerlines: Ryder, Aparacio, Alcarazi, Albieta, Myburgh, Stewart, Uriol, Ivan Daraujo, da Silva, Pereira, Fernandes. | East London: Hough, Hamilton, Amderson, Thompson, G. Williams, Barker, Grant, Higgins, B. Williams, Luke, Gilpin. | Sun 19.04.70 | Durban City | 3-0 | Durban Spurs | 3-0 | 1-0 Scott 1T 2-0 Scott 1T 3-0 Scott 1T | Durban City: Macedo, Louch, Cowden, Keetch, Forsyth, Fascione, Farrell, Cooke, Scott, Byrne, Mann, Maullin (sub). | Durban Spurs: Calder, Peterson, R. Kitchin, Lapot, Hucker, Davidson, Byrne, Crisp, Green, K. Kitchin, MaCkinney, Poezyn (sub). |
date | team 1 _________ | score | team 2 _________ | HT | Wed 29.04.70 | Cape Town City | 2-2 | Durban United | | Fri 01.05.70 | Cape Town City | 3-2 | Powerlines | | Tue 05.05.70 | Durban Spurs United | 0-2 | Cape Town City | | | Porth Elizabeth City | 2-1 | Berea Park | 1-1 | 1-0 Maxwell 1' 1-1 Hochfelner 35' 2-1 Hooker 52' Referee: Gerry Ofstrofsky. | | Cape Town City | 4-0 | Maritzburg | 2-0 | 1-0 France 30' 2-0 Morrison 44' 3-0 Claxton 51' 4-0 Mulhall 58' Hartlevaley 16,000. | | Port Elizabeth City | 0-4 | Durban Spurs | 0-1 | 0-1 Arthur Talbot 20' 0-2 Vic McKinney 61' 0-3 Arthur Talbot 63' 0-4 Stan Lappot 89'pen. Crusader Ground. |
Ranking | pts | win | drw | lst | gf | ga | g+- | m | 1. | Durban City | 25 | 12 | 1 | 2 | 28: | 13 | +15 | 15 | 2. | Cape Town City | 21 | 8 | 5 | 2 | 30: | 17 | +13 | 15 | 3. | Durban Spurs United | 20 | 9 | 2 | 4 | 25: | 16 | +9 | 15 | 4. | Maritzburg | 18 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 34: | 23 | +11 | 15 | 5. | Hellenic | 18 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 20: | 19 | +1 | 16 | 6. | Highlands Park | 17 | 7 | 3 | 5 | 33: | 23 | +10 | 15 | 7. | Germiston Callies | 17 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 23: | 29 | -6 | 16 | 8. | Powerlines | 16 | 7 | 2 | 6 | 39: | 25 | +14 | 15 | 9. | East London United | 14 | 6 | 2 | 8 | 33: | 31 | +2 | 16 | 10. | Southern Suburbs | 14 | 6 | 2 | 7 | 28: | 35 | -7 | 15 | 11. | Arcadia Shepherds | 14 | 6 | 2 | 9 | 34: | 43 | -9 | 17 | 12. | Rangers | 13 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 20: | 24 | -4 | 15 | 13. | Port Elizabeth City | 13 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 16: | 24 | -8 | 16 | 14. | Bloemfontein City | 8 | 4 | 0 | 13 | 16: | 42 | -26 | 17 | 15. | Berea Park | 6 | 2 | 2 | 12 | 14: | 40 | -26 | 16 |
date | team 1 _________ | score | team 2 _________ | HT | Fri 12.06.70 | Cape Town City | 1-1 | East London United | | Sun 21.06.70 | Durban City | 2-1 | Berea Park | | Sun 19.07.70 | Durban City | 2-2 | Cape Town City | | Fri 14.08.70 | Hellenic | 1-1 | Cape Town City | | Green Point att: 20,000 Referee: Rupert Scheepers. | Sat 08.08.70 | Bloemfontein City | --- | Southern Suburbs | | Sun 23.08.70 | Durban City | 2-2 | Maritzburg | | Thu 27.08.70 | East London City | ppd | Durban City | | Floods caused postponement of the match. | Sun 20.09.70 | Germiston Callies | 7-0 | East London City | | Germiston Callies netted seven goals in first 36 minutes. |
Prepared and maintained by Todor Krastev
Last updated: 16 Mar 2025 Facebook Todor Krastev