Men's over 100kg - 20.08.04

GoldKeiji SuzukiJpnTamerlan TmenovRusIppon 1:17
BronzeDennis van Der GeestNedSeyed Mahmoudreza MiranIrnW'ari Ippon 1:28
BronzeIndrek PertelsonEstPaolo BianchessiItaIppon 1:17

Keiji SuzukiJpnPaolo BianchessiItaIppon 2:55
Tamerlan TmenovRusSeyed Mahmoudreza MiranIrnIppon 4:40

Final rankingTeam
1. Keiji SuzukiJpn
2. Tamerlan TmenovRus
3. Dennis van Der GeestNed
3. Indrek PertelsonEst
5. Seyed Mahmoudreza MiranIrn
5. Paolo BianchessiIta
7. Andreas ToelzerGer
7. Selim TatarogluTur

Paolo BianchessiItaDennis van Der GeestNedAET win
Keiji SuzukiJpnYury RybakBlrIppon 3:42
Seyed Mahmoudreza MiranIrnSemir PepicAusYuko 3:42
Tamerlan TmenovRusIndrek PertelsonEstIppon 3:10

Round of 16
Paolo BianchessiItaVitaliy PolyanskyyUkrW'ari Ippon 2:38
Dennis van Der GeestNedYeldos IkhsangaliyevKazIppon 2:47
Keiji SuzukiJpnCharalampos PapaioannouGreIppon 3:02
Yury RybakBlrSong PanChnW'ari Ippon 2:03
Seyed Mahmoudreza MiranIrnSelim TatarogluTurHansoku make 3:28
Semir PepicAusMartin BoonzaayerUSAIppon 1:18
Tamerlan TmenovRusDaniel HernandesBraIppon 4:33
Indrek PertelsonEstAbdullo TangrievUzbYuko 4:33

Round of 32
Vitaliy PolyanskyyUkrIslam El ShehabyEgyIppon 1:49
Paolo BianchessiItaSung Beom KimKorSogo gachi 3:31
Dennis van Der GeestNedLuis MoranHonIppon 1:53
Yeldos IkhsangaliyevKazHadir LazameIrqIppon 0:09
Keiji SuzukiJpnAndreas ToelzerGerWaza-ari 0:09
Charalampos PapaioannouGreLeonel Wilfredo RuizVenIppon 1:00
Yury RybakBlrOrlando BaccinoArgIppon 0:38
Song PanChnGrzegorz EitelPolIppon 2:56
Seyed Mahmoudreza MiranIrnJoel BrutusHaiIppon 2:20
Selim TatarogluTurLasha GujejianiGeoIppon 3:22
Martin BoonzaayerUSAMajid M Al AliKuwIppon 2:21
Semir PepicAusSergio Andres CamachoColIppon 0:13
Daniel HernandesBraChukwuemeka OnyemachiNigAET win 0:13
Tamerlan TmenovRusGabriel MunteanuRomIppon 2:38
Abdullo TangrievUzbMathieu BatailleFraIppon 4:17
Indrek PertelsonEstMohamed BouaichaouiAlgIppon 1:57

Round of 64
Sung Beom KimKorAytami RuanoSpaAET win

FinDennis van Der GeestNedAndreas ToelzerGer
FinIndrek PertelsonEstSelim TatarogluTur
1/2Dennis van Der GeestNedSung Beom KimKor
1/2Andreas ToelzerGerYury RybakBlr
1/2Selim TatarogluTurSemir PepicAus
1/2Indrek PertelsonEstDaniel HernandesBra
1/4Sung Beom KimKorVitaliy PolyanskyyUkr
1/4Andreas ToelzerGerCharalampos PapaioannouGre
1/4Selim TatarogluTurJoel BrutusHai
1/4Daniel HernandesBraGabriel MunteanuRom

Prepared and maintained by Todor Krastev
Last updated: 28 Nov 2004
