date | time | team 1 | score | team 2 | pts | g1 | g2 | g3 | g4 | g5 | Finals - 3 Wins - CSKA Sofia won 3-0 | 13.03 | 17:30 | CSKA Sofia | 3-0 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 80-65 | 30-28 | 25-17 | 25-20 | | 14.03 | 17:30 | CSKA Sofia | 3-0 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 75-48 | 25-18 | 25-15 | 25-15 | | 16.03 | 17:30 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 2-3 | CSKA Sofia | 90-101 | 17-25 | 25-18 | 25-18 | 10-25 | 13-15 | Play-Off - 2 Wins - Levski Sofia won 2-0 | 13.03 | 17:00 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 1-3 | Levski Sofia | 84-95 | 23-25 | 18-25 | 25-20 | 18-25 | | 15.03 | 16:00 | Levski Sofia | 3-2 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 108-108 | 25-23 | 25-23 | 19-25 | 24-26 | 15-11 | Semi-Finals - 2 Wins - CSKA Sofia won 2-0, Maritsa Plovdiv won 2-0 | 05.03 | 17:00 | CSKA Sofia | 3-0 | Levski Sofia | 76-58 | 25-18 | 25-16 | 26-24 | | 07.03 | 16:00 | Levski Sofia | 0-3 | CSKA Sofia | 65-76 | 22-25 | 24-26 | 19-25 | | 05.03 | 17:30 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 3-0 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 75-60 | 25-16 | 25-22 | 25-22 | | 07.03 | 18:00 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 1-3 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 91-93 | 19-25 | 26-28 | 25-15 | 21-25 | | Quarter-Finals - 2 Wins - CSKA Sofia won 2-0, Maritsa Plovdiv won 2-0, Lokomotiv Sofia won 2-0, Levski Sofia won 2-0 | 26.02 | 17:00 | CSKA Sofia | 3-0 | Akademik Sofia | ----- | 28.02 | --:-- | Akademik Sofia | 0-3 | CSKA Sofia | ----- | 26.02 | 17:30 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 3-0 | Spartak Pleven | ----- | 28.02 | 18:00 | Spartak Pleven | 0-3 | Maritsa Plovdiv | ----- | 26.02 | 17:30 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 3-0 | Spartak Varna | ----- | 28.02 | 17:00 | Spartak Varna | 1-3 | Lokomotiv Sofia | ----- | 26.02 | 14:30 | Slavia Sofia | 0-3 | Levski Sofia | ----- | 28.02 | 16:00 | Levski Sofia | 3-0 | Slavia Sofia | ----- |
Round Robin - Home and Away. All teams to play-offs. |
Final Ranking | w | l | gf | ga | points | ratio | 1. CSKA Sofia | 14 | 0 | 42: | 2 | 1081/737 | 1.467 | 2. Maritsa Plovdiv | 12 | 2 | 38: | 11 | 1130/932 | 1.212 | 3. Lokomotiv Sofia | 9 | 5 | 28: | 22 | 1059/1016 | 1.042 | 4. Slavia Sofia | 8 | 6 | 27: | 21 | 1026/1036 | 0.990 | 5. Levski Sofia | 7 | 7 | 28: | 22 | 1066/1032 | 1.033 | 6. Spartak Varna | 3 | 11 | 12: | 33 | 874/1014 | 0.862 | 7. Spartak Pleven | 3 | 11 | 10: | 34 | 794/947 | 0.838 | 8. Akademik Sofia | 0 | 14 | 2: | 42 | 734/1050 | 0.699 |
Team | Akad | Levs | Spar | CSKA | Slav | Mari | Loko | Spar | Akademik Sofia | --- | 0:3 | 0:3 | 0:3 | 0:3 | 0:3 | 0:3 | 0:3 | Levski Sofia | 3:0 | --- | 3:0 | 0:3 | 1:3 | 0:3 | 2:3 | 3:0 | Spartak Pleven | 3:1 | 0:3 | --- | 0:3 | 0:3 | 0:3 | 1:3 | 3:0 | CSKA Sofia | 3:0 | 3:0 | 3:0 | --- | 3:0 | 3:2 | 3:0 | 3:0 | Slavia Sofia | 3:1 | 1:3 | 3:0 | 0:3 | --- | 1:3 | 3:0 | 3:0 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 3:0 | 3:2 | 3:0 | 0:3 | 3:0 | --- | 3:0 | 3:1 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 3:0 | 3:2 | 3:0 | 0:3 | 3:1 | 1:3 | --- | 3:0 | Spartak Varna | 3:0 | 0:3 | 3:0 | 0:3 | 1:3 | 0:3 | 1:3 | --- |
date | time | team 1 | score | team 2 | pts | g1 | g2 | g3 | g4 | g5 | Round 1 | 06.11 | 15:00 | CSKA Sofia | 3-0 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 75-56 | 25-18 | 25-21 | 25-17 | | 06.11 | 17:00 | Slavia Sofia | 1-3 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 76-88 | 23-25 | 13-25 | 25-13 | 15-25 | | 06.11 | 18:00 | Spartak Pleven | 3-0 | Spartak Varna | 75-50 | 25-13 | 25-21 | 25-16 | | 07.11 | 16:30 | Levski Sofia | 3-0 | Akademik Sofia | 75-40 | 25-14 | 25-11 | 25-15 | | Round 2 | 13.11 | 17:00 | Spartak Varna | 0-3 | CSKA Sofia | 57-75 | 22-25 | 19-25 | 16-25 | | 13.11 | 18:00 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 3-0 | Akademik Sofia | 75-46 | 25-16 | 25-13 | 25-17 | | 14.11 | 16:30 | Levski Sofia | 3-0 | Spartak Pleven | 75-52 | 25-22 | 25-16 | 25-14 | | 14.11 | 17:30 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 3-1 | Slavia Sofia | 102-92 | 27-29 | 25-19 | 25-22 | 25-22 | | Round 3 | 20.11 | 17:00 | Slavia Sofia | 3-0 | Spartak Varna | 75-50 | 25-15 | 25-17 | 25-18 | | 20.11 | 18:00 | Spartak Pleven | 3-1 | Akademik Sofia | 96-68 | 21-25 | 25-13 | 25-15 | 25-15 | | 21.11 | 16:00 | Levski Sofia | 0-3 | CSKA Sofia | 55-75 | 22-25 | 15-25 | 18-25 | | 21.11 | 16:30 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 3-0 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 75-58 | 25-19 | 25-19 | 25-20 | | Round 4 | 27.11 | 16:30 | Levski Sofia | 1-3 | Slavia Sofia | 83-94 | 25-19 | 20-25 | 15-25 | 23-25 | | 27.11 | 17:00 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 3-0 | Akademik Sofia | 75-47 | 25-16 | 25-20 | 25-11 | | 27.11 | 17:30 | Spartak Varna | 0-3 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 51-76 | 24-26 | 13-25 | 14-25 | | 27.11 | 18:00 | Spartak Pleven | 0-3 | CSKA Sofia | 54-75 | 15-25 | 19-25 | 20-25 | | Round 5 | 04.12 | 16:30 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 3-2 | Levski Sofia | 107-105 | 25-22 | 21-25 | 25-23 | 21-25 | 15-10 | 04.12 | 17:00 | Slavia Sofia | 3-0 | Spartak Pleven | 75-55 | 25-21 | 25-18 | 25-16 | | 04.12 | 17:30 | CSKA Sofia | 3-0 | Akademik Sofia | 75-43 | 25-16 | 25-12 | 25-15 | | 05.12 | 17:30 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 3-0 | Spartak Varna | 75-58 | 25-16 | 25-19 | 25-23 | | Round 6 | 11.12 | 17:30 | CSKA Sofia | 3-0 | Slavia Sofia | 77-58 | 25-18 | 27-25 | 25-15 | | 11.12 | 18:00 | Spartak Pleven | 0-3 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 54-75 | 19-25 | 16-25 | 19-25 | | 12.12 | 16:30 | Levski Sofia | 2-3 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 93-103 | 15-25 | 17-25 | 25-22 | 25-16 | 11-15 | 15.12 | 16:00 | Akademik Sofia | 0-3 | Spartak Varna | 70-78 | 23-25 | 21-25 | 26-28 | | Round 7 | 18.12 | 17:30 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 3-0 | Spartak Pleven | 75-43 | 25-11 | 25-17 | 25-15 | | 19.12 | 16:00 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 0-3 | CSKA Sofia | 49-75 | 15-25 | 13-25 | 21-25 | | 19.12 | 17:00 | Slavia Sofia | 3-1 | Akademik Sofia | 49-75 | 25-17 | 18-25 | 25-19 25-18 | | 19.12 | 17:00 | Spartak Varna | 0-3 | Levski Sofia | 93-79 | 19-25 | 9-25 | 21-25 | | Round 8 | 22.01 | 17:30 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 0-3 | CSKA Sofia | 49-75 | 13-25 | 18-25 | 18-25 | | 23.01 | 16:00 | Akademik Sofia | 0-3 | Levski Sofia | 42-75 | 11-25 | 9-25 | 22-25 | | 23.01 | 16:00 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 3-0 | Slavia Sofia | 75-52 | 25-17 | 25-16 | 25-19 | | 23.01 | | Spartak Varna | 3-0 | Spartak Pleven | | Round 9 | 27.01 | 14:30 | Akademik Sofia | 0-3 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 42-75 | 18-25 | 9-25 | 15-25 | | 27.01 | 15:00 | Slavia Sofia | 3-0 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 76-51 | 26-24 | 25-15 | 25-12 | | 27.01 | 17:00 | CSKA Sofia | 3-0 | Spartak Varna | 75-51 | 25-18 | 25-16 | 25-17 | | 27.01 | 18:00 | Spartak Pleven | 0-3 | Levski Sofia | 56-76 | 24-26 | 20-25 | 12-25 | | Round 10 | 29.01 | 17:30 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 1-3 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 76-98 | 21-25 | 12-25 | 25-23 | 18-25 | | 29.01 | 17:00 | Spartak Varna | 1-3 | Slavia Sofia | 86-96 | 19-25 | 25-21 | 19-25 | 23-25 | | 30.01 | 17:00 | Akademik Sofia | 0-3 | Spartak Pleven | 58-75 | 17-25 | 19-25 | 22-25 | | 30.01 | 17:30 | CSKA Sofia | 3-0 | Levski Sofia | 75-59 | 25-21 | 25-17 | 25-21 | | Round 11 | 05.02 | 14:30 | CSKA Sofia | 3-0 | Spartak Pleven | 75-38 | 25-8 | 25-12 | 25-18 | | 05.02 | 15:00 | Slavia Sofia | 1-3 | Levski Sofia | 89-98 | 25-22 | 24-26 | 19-25 | 21-25 | | 06.02 | 16:00 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 3-1 | Spartak Varna | 98-79 | 25-20 | 23-25 | 25-23 | 25-11 | | 06.02 | 17:30 | Akademik Sofia | 0-3 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 53-75 | 16-25 | 22-25 | 15-25 | | Round 12 | 10.02 | 15:00 | Akademik Sofia | 0-3 | CSKA Sofia | 37-75 | 12-25 | 9-25 | 16-25 | | 10.02 | 16:30 | Levski Sofia | 0-3 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 59-75 | 19-25 | 18-25 | 22-25 | | 10.02 | 17:00 | Spartak Varna | 1-3 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 90-94 | 25-19 | 23-25 | 21-25 | 21-25 | | 10.02 | 18:00 | Spartak Pleven | 0-3 | Slavia Sofia | 59-75 | 23-25 | 17-25 | 19-25 | | Round 13 | 13.02 | 14:30 | Slavia Sofia | 0-3 | CSKA Sofia | 42-75 | 11-25 | 11-25 | 20-25 | | 13.02 | 16:00 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 3-0 | Spartak Pleven | 75-55 | 25-22 | 25-19 | 25-14 | | 13.02 | 17:00 | Spartak Varna | 3-0 | Akademik Sofia | 75-51 | 25-18 | 25-16 | 25-17 | | 13.02 | 17:30 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 3-2 | Levski Sofia | 75-59 | 24-26 | 27-25 | 18-25 | 25-22 | 15-13 | Round 14 | 18.02 | 15:00 | Levski Sofia | 3-0 | Spartak Varna | 75-56 | 25-19 | 25-18 | 25-19 | | 19.02 | 17:00 | CSKA Sofia | 3-2 | Maritsa Plovdiv | 104-89 | 25-16 | 21-25 | 18-25 | 25-12 | 15-11 | 19.02 | 18:00 | Spartak Pleven | 1-3 | Lokomotiv Sofia | 82-95 | 17-25 | 25-19 | 16-25 | 24-26 | | 20.02 | 17:00 | Akademik Sofia | 0-3 | Slavia Sofia | 62-77 | 25-27 | 15-25 | 22-25 | |
Prepared and maintained by Todor Krastev
Last updated: 2 Dec 2024 Facebook Todor Krastev